Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Speaking Out Against Minority News Media Attacking Minorities - Double Standards of the Power of the News and Their Guests

I listened this morning to a news broadcast as CNN commentators debated the issues of our Free Speech in the media. Their commentary was regarding the firing of Rick Sanchez due to his misguided, non- humorous remarks about Jon Stewart's ethnics. I am disgusted at how news broadcasters use their double talking profiling standards against each other. . They speak in the news of their opinions as though they are factual. When in fact they speak out both sides of their mouths demeaning their own credibility while downgrading other minorities. How is it that broadcasters have gained more power in what their opinion is rather than telling the truth.
As a Multi-ethnic , mixed race, and American born citizen I was highly offended by the obvious, " them vs us " mentality of these dishonorable discussions. What could be a news worthy debate of how news personalities can support each other as minorities, they choose instead to degrade each other. As this panel on CNN discussed the verbal battle between Rick Sanchez and Jon Stewart they made their editorial opinions quite clear: Fire Sanchez, Coddle Jon Stewart. However, one of the female of color guests made the statement about Sanchez," I do not know what he is upset about...his skin is light and no one would know he is Cuban." How in the world does CNN allow her to say such a bigoted statements. Isn't racism judging someone by the color of their skin? This woman of color guest on CNN made that horrible statement while judging Sanchez who is also a minority. The media and the CNN news commentator agreed with her, why? Who edits these editorial opinions? Who edits her bigoted statement as she ridicules Sanchez or anyone else because they have light skin?
How on earth can we come together as minority Americans and protect Free Speech, respect our immigrant and emigrant ancestors when minorities are quarreling over the depth of skin color. Our citizens must stop making those kinds of comparisons of skin color because it is the same as the horrible Brown Bag Skin comparison used in the past to divide us.. I sure you heard of that horrid comparison; if your skin was lighter than a paper bag you were considered white and if you were darker than a paper bag you were "Coloured". We must self identify whether it is red, brown, brawny, tan, yellow, pink, white, black or other and must never settle for other's identifying us by skin color. Minorities must stop this us vs them identify of each other. Not only is it disgraceful shameful profiling, it is against everything that America stands for in our Freedom. This female of color who stated she was a minority on CNN disgraced the entire world by profiling to discuss Sanchez "Light skin" color while demeaning him for his racist statements. That is not Free Speech; it's bigotry by profiling.
Everyday in the news there are so called professionals who gain some sort of misguided authority on Free Speech by jumping to criticize each other -for what reason; higher ratings. Where is the equality in the news? What is the hidden meaning of all the mud-slinging and profiling of minorities against minorities? Just what change in public opinion are they striving for-more division of Americans. Free Speech is our American right. But when does that right become double standards for the guests and commentators. I tell you when; use the "Brown Bag" statements. Their disparaging words against each other are moving us are separating us not joining us. One Nation Rally, Free Speech, Declaration of Independence, and our Bill of Rights are the meaning of all Americans not just news reporters and their misinformed guests. When a woman of color gets on CNN and criticizes an alleged racist by using profiling racist statements she should also be fired, fined, and confronted on her own stupidity. Profiling by minorities to minorities is way over the line and has nothing to do, "Trust Worthy News."
Why did the CNN commentator not call her on her own profiling statements? Is the News becoming a divide and conquer? Where are the educationally intelligent News stories that are not biased, stereotypical, misleading, and racist? Who monitors our slip shot news stories to insure that retaining integrity rather than harmful finger pointing gets on the news. That is not the American Way. It saddens me that the very ones that throw mud are the same ones who do not even think twice of their disgusting stereotypical descriptive words. This hidden racism is what is destroying our critical news. Why does this kind of reporting go unchallenged?
Perhaps if we show more pride as minorities we will stop allowing this ignorance in the news to stop. Please let us help each other stop this minority against minority for it gives the majority a reason to divide and separate us. As the granddaughter of grandfather's who immigrated to this great land for freedom not profiling as humor. My paternal grandfather came here from Germany in mid 1800's for religious and economic freedom as a promise to his ancestors who were Quakers and Jewish who were all skins colors. My maternal grandfather came here in late 1800's seeking religious, racial, and economic freed as a promise to his ancestors and he was of Jewish, Catholic, Russian and Polish heritage. Both of my grandfather's married women of color of different faiths than they were. As the second generation of people of differing religious convictions and who were people of all colors I am pleading, in their honor for all Americans to keep the news media and everyday citizens accountable for disgraceful profiling and bigotry. Let us stop minority against minority now!

Author: Annamarie, Yahoo! Contributor Network 

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